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recognition by most T cells from recognition by B iction. In most cases, both th maturati vation of ma the involver diversity o CD4\ and CD class I MHC Activat Engagement of TcR by Peptide: MHC Initiates interaction of th n antigenic Signal Transduction tide displayed though the sp
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cell receptor when complexed with MHC,are called antigens. The molecular properties of antigens and he way in which these properties ultimately contribute to immune activation are central to our understanding of the mmune system. This chapter describes some of the molecu- Complementarity of Interacting Surfaces of Antibody(left) lar features of antigens recognized by B or T cells. The chap and Antigen(rig ter also explores the contribution made to immunogenicity by the biological system of the host; ultimately the biological system determines whether a molecule that combines with a a Immunogenicity Versus Antigenicity Bor T cells antigen-binding receptor can then induce an im
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例1一飞轮半径为0.2m、转速为150rmin-1,因 受制动而均匀减速,经30s停止转动.试求:(1) 角加速度和在此时间内飞轮所转的圈数;(2)制动开 始后t=6s时飞轮的角速度;(3)t=6s时飞轮边缘 上一点的线速度、切向加速度和法向加速度
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萃取、冲洗和干燥:还没到结束不能算结束。藉由分液漏斗示 。 范液相-液相萃取并学习如何用”反应检查步骤”检查你的反应。这 是一个你不会想错失的一个纯化技巧! Extracting, Washing and Drying: It ain't over 'til it's over. Learn how to \work up\ your reaction using a separatory funnel to perform a liquid-liquid extraction. This is one purification technique you don't want to miss!
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Solution General solution x(t)= A cos wnt +B sin wnt or, x(t)=Csin(wnt+φ) Initial conditions
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In this lecture, we consider the problem of a body in which the mass of the body changes during the motion, that is, m is a function of t, i.e. m(t). Although there are many cases for which this particular model is applicable, one of obvious importance to us are rockets. We shall see that a significant fraction of the mass of a rocket is the fuel, which is expelled during flight at a high velocity and thus, provides the propulsive force for the rocket
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1.试证明 Brent定理:令W(n)是某并行算法A在运行时间T(n)内所执行的运算数量, 则A使用p台处理器可在t(n)=((n)p+(n)时间内执行完毕
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1.如果MW4中的数小于等于IW2中的数,令M0.1为1并保持, 反之将M0.1复位为0。设计语句表程序。 2.当10.1为ON时,定时器T32开始定时,产生每秒一次的周期脉 冲。T32每次定时时间到时调用一个子程序,在子程序中将模拟
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October 22, 2001 Personal IdentityⅢ . Review soul criterion and body criterion Soul criterion: x is the same person as y iff and y have the same soul. Problems: i)There is no way to establish body-soul correlations; and no way to establish personality correlations. So soul criterion doesn't make sense of our practices of recognizing and identifying people ii)We have no special access to souls, so even in our own case we can't be sure it's the same soul \inside\ us whenever we are conscious. ii) The problem of identity is \pushed back\: what is it for person-stage x to have the same soul as person-stage y? What makes for sameness of souls? Body criterion: x is the same person as y iff x and y have the same living human body
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1.液体的表面自由能Y可以表示为 (A)(a H/a) T.p, n (B)( F/a A) T, p, n (C) (a U/aA S, V, n (1) (a G/a).,n
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