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The Meaning of Competition uA perfectly competitive market has the following characteristics: u There are many buyers and sellers in the market
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Monopoly While a competitive firm is a price taker, a monopoly firm is a price maker
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Imperfect Competition Imperfect competition refers to those market structures that fall between perfect competition and pure monopoly
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Every field of study has its own terminology Mathematics axioms integrals vector spaces Psychology
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第一章发展中国家和发展经济学 一、国家的分类 二、发展中国家 三、发展经济学
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一、现实生活中的财政学 二、学习对象、学习目的和学习方法 三、我国财政学建设的指导思想
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货币需求是指人们通过对各种资产的安全性、流动性和盈利 性的综合衡量后所确定的最优资产组合中所愿意持有的货币量
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上海财经大学:《货币银行学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)第十四章 国际收支
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上海财经大学:《货币银行学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)第十二章 通货膨胀与通货紧缩
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上海财经大学:《货币银行学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)第十三章 货币政策
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