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 理解类和对象的基本概念  掌握类的基本操作  掌握类的继承性  掌握抽象类与接口  了解类的魔术方法  了解类型判断与引用  理解类的多态性
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11.1 结构体 11.2 定义结构体类型变量的方法 11.3 结构体变量的引用 11.4 结构体变量的初始化 11.5 结构体数组
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⚫ 数据类型、常量和变量的定义 ⚫ 运算符的种类、优先级和结合方向 ⚫ 表达式的类型和求值 ⚫ 简单的C程序设计及基本输入输出
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直觉思维:以天资和悟性在整体上对诸多现象直觉领悟而获得智慧 , 以公理宣告,受人推崇。产生人文学。如孔子、耶酥、诸葛亮等。 类比思维:以事物之间存在的普遍联系而联想、比较、推理,从 而达到举一反三、触类旁通。易形成技术。如前人的鲁班大师。 形象思维:从感性上形象地反映客体的具体形状和姿态,通过意想 、 联想和想象揭示对象的本质及规律
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面向对象的思想 OOP的基本特点 类概念和声明 对象 构造函数 析构函数 内联成员函数 拷贝构造函数 类的组合
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• To understand the flow of control in selection and loop statements (§3.2-3.7). • To use Boolean expressions to control selection statements and loop statements (§3.2-3.7). • To implement selection control using if and nested if statements (§3.2). • To implement selection control using switch statements (§3.2). • To write expressions using the conditional operator (§3.2). • To use while, do-while, and for loop statements to control the repetition of statements (§3.4). • To write nested loops (§3.4). • To know the similarities and differences of three types of loops (§3.5). • To implement program control with break and continue (§3.6)
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 理解类和对象的基本概念  掌握类的基本操作  掌握类的继承性  掌握抽象类与接口  了解类的魔术方法  了解类型判断与引用  理解类的多态性
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⚫ To create methods, invoke methods, and pass arguments to a method (§4.2-4.4). ⚫ To use method overloading and know ambiguous overloading (§4.5). ⚫ To determine the scope of local variables (§4.6). ⚫ To learn the concept of method abstraction (§4.7). ⚫ To know how to use the methods in the Math class (§4.8). ⚫ To design and implement methods using stepwise refinement (§4.10). ⚫ To write recursive methods (§4.11 Optional). ⚫ To group classes into packages (§4.12 Optional)
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⚫ To understand objects and classes and use classes to model objects (§6.2). ⚫ To learn how to declare a class and how to create an object of a class (§6.3). ⚫ To understand the roles of constructors and use constructors to create objects (§6.3). ⚫ To use UML graphical notations to describe classes and objects (§6.3). ⚫ To distinguish between object reference variables and primitive data type variables (§6.4) ...... ⚫ To understand the difference between instance and static variables and methods (§6.10). ⚫ To determine the scope of variables in the context of a class (§6.11). ⚫ To use the keyword this as the reference to the current object that invokes the instance method (§6.12). ⚫ To store and process objects in arrays (§6.13). ⚫ To apply class abstraction to develop software (§6.14). ⚫ To declare inner classes (§6.17)
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