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西北工业大学:《线性代数》课程教学资源(讲稿)第一章 n阶行列式(2/3)
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西北工业大学:商法学_part5 商号
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Chapter 6: Web and RPC Based Application Development Chapter goal: Www and Http Web programming RPC and Middleware
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Chapter 6: Web and RPC Based P. Application Development Chapter goal Www and Http Www and hTMl Web Programming RPC and Middleware World wide web Use of Client-Server Paradigm
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:102.61KB 文档页数:28
Chapter 5: Tunneling and Application Gateway Chapter goal: Multiprotocol environment Mixing network technologies Encapsulation and tunneling Clients and servers in constrained environments Application gateways Application gateway examples
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:139.18KB 文档页数:5
Chapter 5: Tunneling and Application Gateway Chapter goal: Multiprotocol environment a Multiprotocol environment Mixing network technologies Mixing network technologies Encapsulation and tunneling Encapsulation and tunneling
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:285.67KB 文档页数:111
Chapter 4: Server Software Design Chapter goal: algorithm and issues terative servers Concurrent connection-oriented servers Singly-threaded,concurrent servers Multiprotocol servers Multiservice servers Uniform efficient management
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:282.99KB 文档页数:19
Optimizing stateless servers Consider a connectionless server for file Table of information about files clients are using We find hash(IP addr, port) Overhead of opening and closing file each Buffer for file x
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Chapter 3: Client Software Design Chapter goal: Algorithm and issues Concurrency in client Client examples
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Chapter 3: Client Software Design Chapter goal: Algorithm and issues Concurrency in client Client examples Learning algorithm instead of details
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