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The Payoff Table and Decision Trees Opportunity Loss Criteria for Decision Making Expected Monetary Value Expected Profit Under Certainty Return to Risk Ratio Decision Making with Sample Information Utility
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Component Factors of the Time-Series Model Smoothing of Data Series Moving Averages Exponential Smoothing Least Square Trend Fitting and Forecasting Linear, Quadratic and Exponential Models Autoregressive Models Choosing Appropriate Models Monthly or Quarterly Data
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【案例0.1】海尔的腾飞 【案例0.2】疯狂扩张的代价 【案例1.1】三孔啤酒有限公司 【案例1.2】新闻记者出的佐佐木明 【案例1.3】教材39页案例1、2、3
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Types of Regression Models Determining the Simple Linear Regression Equation Measures of Variation in Regression and Correlation Assumptions of Regression and Correlation Residual Analysis and the Durbin-Watson Statistic Estimation of Predicted Values Correlation Measuring the Strength of the Association
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对外经济贸易大学:《营销学原理》精品课程教学大纲 Principles of Marketing
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一、单项选择题 1、为实现共同目标而一起工作的群体称为( )。 A 管理 B 决策 C 管理人员 D 组织 2、对管理最形象的描述是( )。 A 艺术 B 科学 C 艺术和科学 D 上述均不是
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