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《石油地质学 Petroleum Geology》课程教学资源(阅读文献)Applied Source Rock Geochemistry
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沉积岩(sedimentary rock) 成因:地表岩石破坏搬远沉积 硬结成岩 ·物质组成: 岩石碎屑 粘土矿物 化学沉积矿物 有机质及生物残骸
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第二节干酪根热降解成油机理 一、烃的演化 1.氯仿沥青“A”和总烃的演化
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《石油地质学 Petroleum Geology》课程教学资源(阅读文献)Effect of Biodegradation and Water Washing on Crude Oil Composition
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人口 Nature and Rate of Population Growth Growth Rates: Causes and Consequences Growth Rate and Doubling Time
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一、填空(每空1分,计30分) 1、根据莫霍面和古滕堡面两个界面,地球内部分为 和 三个一级圈
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一、煤层厚度变化对煤矿生产的影响: 1.影响采掘部署 2.影响计划生产 3.掘进率增高 4.回采率降低
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Plate Tectonics Geologic Tectonics Earthquake Tsunamis海啸 and Coastal Flooding
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Plate Tectonics Geologic Tectonics Earthquake Tsunamis海啸 and Coastal Flooding
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地球内部过程 Tsunamis海啸 and Coastal Flooding Coastal areas, especially around the Pacific Ocean basin where so many large earthquakes occur, may also be vulnerable易于to tsunamis
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