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Chapter 1 Introduction to Financial Management Chapter 2 Financial Statements, Taxes, and Cash Flow Chapter 3 Working With Financial Statements Chapter 5 Introduction to Valuation: The Time Value of Money Chapter 6 Discounted Cash Flow Valuation Chapter 7 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation Chapter 8 Equity Markets and Stock Valuation Chapter 9 Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria Chapter 10,11 Making Capital Investment Decisions Chapter 12 Some Lessons from Capital Market History Chapter 13 Risk and Return Chapter 15 Cost of Capital Chapter 17 Leverage and Capital Structure Chapter 18 Dividends and Dividend Policy Chapter 19 Short-Term Financial Planning Chapter 20, 21 Working Capital Management
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1) 同一时期不同单位(部门)同一报表的汇 总。此类汇总主要应用于主管部门对基层报表的汇 总工作。对行数固定的报表而言,汇总是指将某月 份所有下属单位的报表数据按固定的格式机械地把 各项目数据相加,形成新的报表
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❖ Compounding ❖ Frequency of Compounding ❖ Present Value and Discounting ❖ Alternative Discounted Cash Flow Decision Rules ❖ Multiple Cash Flows ❖ Annuities ❖ Perpetual Annuities ❖ Loan Amortization ❖ Exchange Rates and Time Value of Money ❖ Inflation and Discounted Cash Flow Analysis ❖ Taxes and Investment Decisions
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❖ Review of Financial Statements ❖ Market Values v. Book Values ❖ Accounting v. Economic Measures of Income ❖ Return on Shareholders v. Return on Equity ❖ Analysis Using Financial Ratios ❖ The Relation Among ❖ Limitations of Ratio Analysis ❖ Purpose and Process of Financial Planning ❖ Managing Working Capital
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宏观经济学 药物经济学 卫生法学 形势与政策(一) 形势与政策(二) 形势与政策(三) 形势与政策(四) 财务管理 组织行为学 行政文书写作 管理学基础 公共关系学 部分课程简介 中医气功学 中医信息检索 教育学 中医与运动 实用医学绘图 田径 运动医学文献 中医药科学研究思路与方法
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What is Risk? Risk and Economic Decisions The Risk Management Process The Three Dimensions of Risk Transfer Risk Transfer and Economic Efficiency Institutions for Risk Management Portfolio Theory: Quantitative Analysis for Optimal Risk Management Probability Distributions of Returns Standard Deviation as a Measure of Risk
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考试注意事项: 1、计算题应列出计算过程,不能只写答案。除表格填列外,答案写于答题纸上。 2、计算题中的货币金额要求计算到小数点后二位,其他数字要求计算到小数点后四位 一、某企业上年度简化的资产负债表如下:
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一、财务管理理论结构 二、财务管理假设 三、财务管理的原则 四、财务管理的课程体系和高级财务
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第一节 财务管理国际化的基本因素 第二节 财务管理国际化的基本理论 第三节 财务管理国际化的发展
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第一章总论 第一节财务管理的概念 第二节财务管理的目标 第三节财务管理原则 第四节财务管理的基本环节 第五节财务管理的环境
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