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8.1 并发控制概述 8.2 封锁 8.3 封锁协议 8.4 活锁和死锁 8.5 并发调度的可串行性 8.6 两段锁协议 8.7 封锁的粒度 8.8 Oracle的并发控制 8.9 小结
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Features of Good Relational Design Atomic Domains and First Normal Form Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies Functional Dependency Theory Algorithms for Functional Dependencies Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies More Normal Form Database-Design Process Modeling Temporal Data
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:125.5KB 文档页数:31
5.1 基本概念 5.2 从ER图到关系模型设计的转换 5.3 从IDEF1x图到关系模型设计的转换 5.4 从ODL设计到关系模型设计的转换 5.5 本章小结
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可扩展标记语言(Extensible Markup Language,xml)是万维网协会(3C推荐的一个开 放标准,它是构造Web上的文档和数据的通用格式。XML有着越来越广泛的应用前景。它 的应用范围包括数据库系统、搜索引擎、数据编辑器、文档编辑器、Web网页、电子商务、 Java、新闻、公共对象请求代理体系结构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture, CORBA) 等
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:760.31KB 文档页数:118
About SQL SQL is a standard database language, adopted by many commercial systems. ANSI SQL, SQL-92 or SQL2, SQL99 or SQL3 extends SQL2 with object￾relational features. SQL2003 is the collection of extensions to SQL3. How to query the database How to make modifications on database Transactions in SQL
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1.2.3 最常用的数据模型 1.2.4 层次模型 1.2.5 网状模型 1.2.6 关系模型
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▪ Complex Data Types and Object Orientation ▪ Structured Data Types and Inheritance in SQL ▪ Table Inheritance ▪ Array and Multiset Types in SQL ▪ Object Identity and Reference Types in SQL ▪ Implementing O-R Features ▪ Persistent Programming Languages ▪ Comparison of Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases
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Complex Data Types and Object Orientation Structured Data Types and Inheritance in SQL Table Inheritance Array and Multiset Types in SQL Object Identity and Reference Types in SQL Implementing O-R Features Persistent Programming Languages Comparison of Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases
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第11章数据仓库和数据挖掘 1.数据仓库 2.联机分析处理(OLAP) 3.知识发现和数据挖掘
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:580.5KB 文档页数:121
8.1 并发控制概述 8.2 封锁 8.3 封锁协议 8.4 活锁和死锁 8.5 并发调度的可串行性 8.6 两段锁协议 8.7 封锁的粒度 8.8 Oracle的并发控制 8.9 小结
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