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一、发动机点火系 按照发动机的工作顺序使火花塞产生电火花点燃气缸内混合气的装置。 二、电火花的产生原因 三、击穿电压 四、点火系类型 蓄电池点火系、磁电机点火系、晶体管点火系
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第一节 齿轮传动的特点与类型 第二节 渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮 第三节 渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮传动 第四节 斜齿圆柱齿轮传动 第五节 锥齿轮传动 第六节 蜗杆传动 第七节 圆弧齿轮传动 第八节 齿轮结构设计与齿轮传动润滑
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❖ 第一节 概述 ❖ 第二节 离合器的结构方案分析 ❖ 第三节 离合器主要参数的选择 ❖ 第四节 离合器的设计与计算 ❖ 第五节 扭转减振器的设计 ❖ 第六节 离合器的操纵机构
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1、试述传统点火系统有哪些部分组成?个组成部分的作用是什么? 2、发动机工作时,点火系统的电路形成几条支路?说明各条支路的路径
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1、为什么说多缸发动机机体承受拉、压、弯、扭等各种形式的机械载荷? 2、无气缸套式机体有何利弊?为什么许多轿车发动机都采用无气缸套式机体?
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It should provide drivers with good operating condition and comfort working environment; It should isolate vibration, noise, waste gas and harsh climate and provide passengers with comfort riding environment; It should keep the completeness of cargo and make them easy to load and unload; The structure of body and its equipment should ensure the safety of driving and reduce the influence of an incident. The reasonable outer shape of body can effectively steer the surrounding current and should improve the dynamic characteristics, fuel economy and driving stability. It should also improve the cooling condition of engine and ventilation inside the cab
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Composition, functions and structure types of the drive axle ; Final drive :single reduction final drive、double reduction final drive、hub reduction gear、 two￾speed final gear 、thru-drive(贯通式主减). Differential :gear differential、 antiskid differential and so on. Axle shaft and axle case:Support and structure of axle shaft、Classification of axle case、 design feature
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Function of frame、Requirements of its structure、 Classification; Structural characteristics of fringe-beam frame(边 梁式); Structural characteristics of backbone type frame (中梁式) ; Structural characteristics of comprehensive type frame; Structural characteristics of Monocoque Body
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9.1 Engine Start Overview 发动机起动概述 9.2 Start Assist Device 起动辅助装置 9.3 Starting Motor 起动机 9.4 Over-speed Protector 超速保护装置 9.5 Decelerating Starter 减速起动机
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8.1 Function and components of lubrication system 润滑系统的功用与组成 8.2 Lubricants 润滑剂 8.3 Oil pumps 机油泵 8.4 Oil filters 机油滤清器 8.5 Heat transmitters (Oil cooler) 机油冷却器
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