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The logical extension of discrete mass systems is one of an infinite number of masses. In the limit, this is a continuous system. Take the generalized beam-column as a generic representation:
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Chapter Organization Introduction The National Income Accounts National Income Accounting for an Open Economy The Balance of Payment Accounts Summary
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Determinants of Aggregate Demand in an Open Economy The Equation of Aggregate Demand How Output Is Determined in the Short run Output Market Equilibrium in the Sort run: The DD Schedul Asset Market Equilibrium in the Short Run: The AA Schedule
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As the first food of infant mammals, milk provides an important source of fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals, essential to the development of tissue and bone, and the growth of young. Milk is also a substance used beneficially by humans of all ages, both as a food in its own right and as a material for the production of milk products and milk-based food ingredients
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During recent years there has been a greatly increased consumer demand for perishable chilled foods which are perceived as being fresh, healthy and convenient. The major food retailers have satisfied this consumer demand by providing an ever increasing range of value-added chilled food products. The wide diversity of chilled foods available is accompanied by a huge range of packaging materials and formats which are used to present attractively packaged foods in retail chill cabinets. This chapter overviews the requirements and types of packaging materials and formats which are commonly utilised for a broad
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The detection and enumeration of microorganisms either in foods or on food contact surfaces forms an integral part of any quality control or quality assurance plan. Microbiological tests done on foods can be divided into two types:(a) quantitative or enumerative, in which a group of microorganisms in the sample are counted and the result is expressed as the number of the organisms present
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As the chilled foods market has expanded and become more competitive, so have the demands for diversity, quality and longer shelf-life. Meeting these demands in a responsible, safe and cost-effective manner requires the application of an understanding of the factors that affect product safety and quality. Many problems can be avoided by applying this knowledge to a formalised HACCP approach to identify critical control points relating to quality
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Chilled foods represent a large and rapidly developing market with an extremely wide range of food types. Traditionally these were simple meat, poultry, fish and dairy products but recent trends have moved towards a greater variety and more complex products (Stringer and Dennis 2000). As more innovative products are produced, the variety of ingredients have also increased. Many of these ingredients are sourced around the world and relatively little may be known about their
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Much poultry and red meat is sold in a chilled unprocessed state. However, an ncreasing proportion is used as a basic raw material for chilled meat products and ready meals. A growing trend is the development of added-value convenience meals, especially ethnic products, many of which are pre-or part-cooked and necessitate chilled storage. Many of these products contain meat as a key ingredient. This meat for further processing can be supplie
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All the ingredients included here are derived from milk or eggs. In their principal value is there are also tenderising properties associated with the fats and emulsifying compounds which they contain. Milk, butter, cheese and eggs have been traditional ingredients for baking due to their exceptional nutritional values as well as their flavour. The techmology of milk production has now developed to such an extent that there are a large
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