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Assumptions of the classical Linear Model (Clm) e So far, we know that given the Gauss Markov assumptions, OLS IS BLUE e In order to do classical hypothesis testing we need to add another assumption(beyond the Gauss-Markov assumptions) Assume that u is independent of x,x2…,xk and u is normally distributed with zero mean and variance 0: u- Normal(0, 02) Economics 20- Prof anderson
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The Normal Distribution: the distribution of a continuous r.v. whose value depends on a number of factors, yet no single factor dominates the other. 1. Properties of the normal distribution: 1)The normal distribution curve is symmetrical around its mean valueu. 2)The PDF of the distribution is the highest at its mean value but tails off at its extremities
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What is Heteroskedasticity Recall the assumption of homoskedastic implied that conditional on the explanator variables the variance of the unobserved error u was constant If this is not true that is if the variance of u is different for different values of thex's. then the errors are heteroskedastic
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Definition (1) Econometrics: economic measurement. (2) Econometrics: the social science in which the tools of economic theory, mathematics, and statistical inference are applied to the analysis of economic phenomena. (3) Econometrics: the result of a certain outlook on the role of economics, consists of the application of mathematical statistics to economic data to lend
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Time series vs Cross sectional e Time series data has a temporal ordering unlike cross-section data Will need to alter some of our assumptions to take into account that we no longer have a random sample of individuals Instead. we have one realization of a stochastic(i.e. random) process Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Testing for AR(IS eria Correlation Want to be able to test for whether the errors are serially correlated or not Want to test the null thatp=0 in u,=pu, 1 +et=2.. where u is the model error
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Simultaneity Simultaneity is a specific type of endogeneity problem in which the explanatory variable is jointly determined with the dependent variable 2 As with other types of endogeneity, IV estimation can solve the problem o Some special issues to consider with simultaneous equations modelS(SEM) Economics 20- Prof anderson
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一、二元离散选择模型的经济背景 二、二元离散选择模型 三、二元 Probit离散选择模型及其参数估计 四、二元 Logit离散选择模型及其参数估计 五、二元离散选择模型的变量显著性检验
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• 一、多重共线性的概念 • 二、实际经济问题中的多重共线性 • 三、多重共线性的后果 • 四、多重共线性的检验 • 五、克服多重共线性的方法 • 六、案例 • *七、分部回归与多重共线性
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一、多重共线性 对于模型 在求最小二乘估计时,要求XX的逆存在。当XX的逆不 存在时,即,x之间存在高相关的情况,我们称之为多重 共线性
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