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7.1 数/模(D/A)转换 7.2 模/数(A/D)转换 7.3 数/模、模/数通道设计
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6.1 可编程并行I/O接口8255A 6.2 串行通信和串行I/O接口 6.3 可编程串行I/O接口8251A
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5.1 中断控制器8259A 5.2 DMA控制器8237A 5.3 定时/计数器8253
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A/D 转换器是将模拟信号转换为数字信号,转换过程通过采样、保持、量化和编码四个步骤完成
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4.1 Interpretation of the temporal transform When a field is represented by a continuous superposition of elemental components, the resulting decomposition can simplify computation and provide physical insight. Such rep￾resentation is usually accomplished through the use of an integral transform. Although
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The C Programming Language Chapter 5 Control Flow 5.1 Overview of c statements C statements: using a semicolon\ as a statement terminator Kinds of c statements
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第一节 D/A转换器 第二节 A/D 转换器
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吉林大学:《海商法》课程电子教案(PPT课件)第十三章 共同海损 General Average, G/A, G.A
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1.1用真值表证明下列恒等式 (1)⊕B=A⊙B=AB1 (2)A(B⊕C)=AB⊕AC (3)(A+B)(A+C)(B+C)=(a+B)(a+C)
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1. Definition and basic concepts 2. The interpretation of diagram 3. The study of a development phase diagram 4. Study of a binary alloy phase diagram
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