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1 Conditional Expectation and Total Expectation There are conditional expectations, just as there are conditional probabilities. If R is a random variable and e is an event, then the conditional expectation Ex(r e)is defined
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The milks of all mammals contain lipids but the concentration varies widely between species from c. 2% to greater than 50%(Table 3. 1). The principal function of dietary lipids is to serve as a source of energy for the neonate and the fat content in milk largely reflects the energy requirements of the species, e.g. land animals indigenous to cold environments and marine
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The water content of dairy products ranges from around 2.5 to 94%(w/w) (Table 7.1) and is the principal component by weight in most dairy products, including milk, cream, ice-cream, yogurt and most cheeses. The moisture content of foods (or more correctly their water activity, section 7.3), together with temperature and pH, are of great importance to food technology. As described in section 7.8 water plays an extremely important
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Milk has been the subject of scientific study for about 150 years and consequently, is probably the best characterized, in chemical terms, of our major foods. It is probably also the most complicated and serves as the raw material for a very large and diverse family of food products. Dairy science
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Yesterday, you interviewed two people for a job as Assistant manager in your office. Write two short letters, one to the person who got the job, and the other to the person who did not get it, telling them your decision. (Invent any details you need.)
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Stock market index Stock market index is an indicator that is designed to reflect the performance of an entire market or a particular market segment. Indexes have many uses in investments: --allow us to quickly and easily assess market performance; --Serve as underlying securities for futures and options contracts;
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How DNA as genetic materials was established (also summarized in er including structure and components Basic properties of DNA, i xt slide)
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Countries identified as First-World are listed in the text. Some approximations attend the calculations, and the denominators are rounded off to the nearest half million. The mortality-risk difference between domestic and international flights in the first-world is not statistically significant: If major fatal crashes arise under a Poisson process at rate ) per million flights, then the observed
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Definition of pathology Pathology is to study diseases by scientific methods. Disease may be defined as an abnormal alteration of structure or function in any part of the body
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Definition PEM is manifested primarily by inadequate dietary intakes of protein and energy. PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other nutrient. PEM can be divided as primary PEM and secondary PEM
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