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• 2.1 标识符与关键字 • 2.2 基本数据类型 • 2.3 变量与常量 • 2.4 运算符与表达式 • 2.5 流程控制 • 2.6 数组 • 2.7 字符串
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• 问题定义: 金额的范围:最大值与最小值 金额的形式:小数(浮点数) • 解题思路 1 变换为整数,再转换. 2 变换为byte型数组,再转换. 3 看成字符串进行处理
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• 5.1 Java异常处理的基础知识 5.1.1 错误与异常 5.1.1 异常处理机制 1.抛出异常 2.捕获异常 3.异常处理的类层次 • 5.2 异常类的产生、捕获与处理 • 5.3 异常的分类 • 5.4 抛出异常 • 5.5 自定义异常类
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一、学习连接数据库 二、实现查询、添加、删除和修改功能 三、了解ADO的几大对象及相互关系 四、学习各种事务处理和分页显示数据 五、学习连接 SQL Server数据库的语句
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9.1 Introduction 9.2 Time Class Case Study 9.3 Class Scope and Accessing Class Members 9.4 Separating Interface from Implementation 9.5 Access Functions and Utility Functions 9.6 Time Class Case Study: Constructors with Default Arguments 9.7 Destructors 9.8 When Constructors and Destructors Are Called 9.9 Time Class Case Study: A Subtle Trap - Returning a Reference to a private Data Member 9.10 Default Memberwise Assignment
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5.1循环语句概述 5.2for语句 while和语句 5.3直到型循环do- while语句 5.4 breakcontinue语句与语句 5.5应用举例良好的源程序书写习惯—注释(续)
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Exercises 4(280) 1.Create a Text class that contains a string object to hold the text of a file. Give it two constructors: a default constructor and a constructor that takes a string argument that is the name of the file to open. When the second constructor is used, open the file and read the contents into the string
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Exercises5 1. Create two classes called Traveler and Pager without default constructors, but with constructors that take an argument of type string which they simply copy to an internal string variable. For each class, write the correct copy-constructor and assignment operator. Now inherit a class
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机动车辆登记和发照系统 问题陈述 登记和发照系统维护下列信息: Organization(name, manager, address, and telephone) Clerk(user name, authorization, begin date, and end date) Owner(legal name, address and telephone)
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线性表在内存中存放的形式有两种: 1、物理存储连续:各线性表元素在内存中是连续存放的。其中每个元素都包含相同的数据顶,即各线性表元素所占用的内存区域大小相同,在某一元素的内存地址上加上该内存区域的大小即可得到其下一个元素的内存地址。该线性表的结构如图3.1所示
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