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The recurring aspects of designs are called design patterns. A pattern is the outline of a reusable solution to a general problem encountered in a particular context Many of them have been systematically documented for all software developersto use
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7.1 User Centred Design Software development should focus on the needs of users Understand your users Design software based on an understanding of the users’tasks Ensure users are involved in decision making processes
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3.1 程序的基本控制结构 3.2 选择结构 3.3 循环结构 3.4 跳转语句 3.5 简单程序设计举例
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7.1 继承的基本概念 7.2 C++语言的继承机制 7.3 继承与构造函数、析构函数 7.4 多重继承 7.5 重复继承
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8.1 多态性的基本概念 8.2 函数重载 8.3 拷贝构造函数 8.4 运算符重载 8.5 虚函数 8.6 纯虚函数与抽象类
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1、 赋值兼容规则; 2、应用举例;
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1、 纯虚函数; 2、抽象类; 3、综合举例;
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2.1的主要内容及教学要求 2.2基本术语 2.3算法描述及分析
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2.1.1 C++的起源 2.1.2 C++的特点
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1、函数模板; 2、函数模板参数; 3、类模板;
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