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一、同步电动机变压变频调速的特点及其基本类型 二、他控变频同步电动机调速系统 三、自控变频同步电动机调速系统
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第一节 电位分析技术原理 第二节 电解质分析仪 钾、钠、氯、钙、锂、pH值 第三节 血气分析仪 酸碱度(pH)、二氧化碳分压(PCO2)和氧分压(PO2)
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1.高频化的意义是什么?为什么提高开关频率可以减小滤波器的体积和重量?为什么提高开关频率可以减小变压器的体积和重量? 2·软开关电路可以分为哪几类?其典型拓扑分别是什么样的?各有什么特点?
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一、主运动:镗杆或花盘的旋转运动 二、进给运动: 三、工作台前后运动 四、工作台左右运动 五、主轴箱上下运动 六、镗杆进出运动
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1、了解示波器的基本工作原理和通用示波器的组成; 2、熟悉通用示波器面板上各旋钮、开关的作用与内部电路原理的联系,掌握示波器的正确使用方法; 3、掌握示波器测量技术
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In the chapter we present resistive circuit analysis methods. The first is based on KCL and determines all the node-to-datum voltages in a given circuit and is known as node analysis. The second method, based on KVL, determines all loop current and is known as loop analysis. After discussing superposition, we will introduce Thevenin's and Norton's theorems
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I Let L= 1.25 H in Fig. 6-11, and determine v(t)if v(0) 1(02)=20A L 0.05F ig 6-11 For prob. I 2(a)What value of L in the circuit of Fig 6-11 will result in a transient response of the form, v(t)
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Let vs=100 cos a t V in the circuit shown in Fig. 9-12.(a) Find the equivalent parallel RLC circuit and then determine resonant frequency @r, Q, and v(t).(b) Find i, (t),i2(t), and i3(t) (c)Calculate the average power loss in the 10 kQ2 resistor and the maximum energy stored in the inductor
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1 At a frequency of 796 Hz, compute Zo,u and for a line having the following parameters: F2230 u H/km,=0.0055 u F, r-6./km, g negligible. 2 At certain frequency, transmission line has Zo=5560°andy=0.005+j0.03np/km The line is 60 km long. A sinusoidal voltage of 100V at the specified frequency is applied to one end. Find:
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characteristic is assumed to be as shown in Fig. 17-15b 1 Sketch the characteristic of each of the following circuits shown in Fig. 17-31. the diode characteristic is shown in Fig. 17-3le 2 Sketch the transfer characteristic of each of the following circuits shown in Fig. 17-32 the transfer characteristic being vo/v
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