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§7.1 全面预算概述 §7.2 全面预算的编制案例 §7.3 全面预算的编制方法
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCoUntIng School of Business Sun Yat-sen Universit Lesson 8 Accounting Information System Self-Test In the following choice, which is not the principle of accounting sytems? A. Cost-effective bal C. Internal control B. Effective reporting
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一、标准成本及其作用 二、成本差异计算与分析
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 8 Accounting Information System Exercise Matching For each numbered item, choose the appropriate journal and write the identifying letter Bought merchandise on accou
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ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 7 Merchandise Inventories and cost of sales Exercise Calculation and Analyzing Problems 1. The perpetual inventory records of LIBY HOUSEHOLD show 150 units of a particular
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1. In the following choice, which is not the principle of accounting sytems? A. Cost-effective balance C. Internal control B. Effective reporting D. Conservation
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一、该习题是根据教学内容分别编写的,分为两部分:一是理论上的复习思考题,二是实务 上的练习题
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sk Team of FUNDAMENTALACCOUNTING Task T School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 10 Understanding and Using Financial Statements Self-Test 1. What type of analysis is indicated by the following? Amount Percent
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 5 Completing the Accounting Cycle Self-Test Answer the following questions: 1. what are the four closing entries? 2. what is the purpose of income summary account?
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 6 Accounting for Merchandising Activities Self-Test I. True and False Questions 1. The income statement of a wholesaler includes a deduction from revenue representing the cost
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