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一、成本的概念 二、短期总产量和短期总成本 三、短期成本曲线 四、长期成本
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一、基数效用论———边际效用分析法 二、序数效用论无差异曲线分析法 三、预算线 四、序数效用论消费者均衡的条件 五、价格和收入变化对消费者均衡的影响 六、替代效应和收入效应 七、从单个消费者到市场的需求曲线 八、不确定性
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温州大学:《西方经济学 Economics》课程教学资源(试卷习题)复习思考题答案
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一、总需求 二、影响总需求变动的因素 三、总供给 四、总供给的变动
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苹果锈果病 Apple Scar Skin 苹果锈果病又称花脸病,国内各苹果产区如河北、辽宁、河南、陕西、甘肃、新疆等 地均有发生。有些果园病株率高达10%以上锈果病为全株性病害,病树上的果实全部 形龟裂,不堪食用。大大降低果品的商品价值及经济价值
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Corporate finance 1. Theoretical Approaches 1.1. Corporate Finance in Arrow-Debreu world Complete market, perfect market, perfect competition, symmetric information, private consumption Risk: risk sharing, risk pooling, technology shocks, individual vs aggregate shocks Lucas(1978): existence of equilibrium asset price Merton: continuous-time pricing model
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Problem set 3 Micro Susen Wang Try to do most problems in MWG(1995), Chapters 7-9 Question 3.1.(Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibrium). A principal hires an agent to perform some service at a price(which is supposed to equal the cost of the service The principal and the agent have initial
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Problem set 1 Micro Theory S. Wang Question1.1. Show that“f(X)=f(x),Vx∈R,A>1” implies“f(A)= Af(x),Vx∈R,A>0.” estion 1.2. Use a Lagrange function to solve c(w1, w2, y) for the following problem
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Then =1-91=1(3+:2)(3+2n 可=-1-3)=1(4-+2)(1-2+a With 1 0 O: Thus, in equilibrium, we must have ai=.2. In fact, the two firms must sit in the middle By Proposition 2.1, Pi=p?=c Discussion
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一、动态数列的概念 动态数列又称时间数列。它是将某种统计指标,或 在不同时间上的不同数值,按时间先后顺序排列 起来,以便于研究其发展变化的水平和速度,并 以此来预测未来的一种统计方法
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