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在 Auto CAD2007中,使用“绘图”菜单中的命令,可以绘制点、直线、圆 、圆弧和多边形等简单二维图形。二维图形对象是整个 AutoCAD的绘图基础, 因此熟练地掌握它们的绘制方法和技巧
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AutoCAD2007提供了图形输入与输出接口不仅可以将其他应用程序中 处理好的数据传送给 AutoCAD,以显示其图形,还可以将在 Auto CAD中绘制 好的图形打印出来,或者把它们的信息传送给其他应用程序。 此外,为适应互联网络的快速发展,使用户能够快速有效地共享设计信息 , AutoCAD2007强 Internet化了其功能,使其与互联网相关的操作更加方便、 高效,可以创建Web格式的文件(DWF),以及发布 Auto CAD图形文件到Web页
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1、城3与“市”-城市的历史特征 2、“自下而上”-城市设计的形成 3、“自上而下-城市设计的发展 4、“交替发展”-城市设计的规律
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钢筋混凝土桁架或拱拉杆、受内压力作用的环形截 面管壁及圆形贮液池的筒壁等,通常按轴心受拉构 件计算。 矩形水池的池壁、矩形剖面料仓或煤斗的壁板、受 地震作用的框架边柱,以及双肢柱的受拉肢,属于 偏心受拉构件。 受拉构件除轴向拉力外,还同时受弯矩和剪力作用
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11-蔷础梁;12-天窗架垂直支撑:13-屋架下弦横向水平支撑:14—-屠恕端都垂吉古撸,15一杜间 1一屋面板;2-天沟板;3一天窗架;4一屋架;5一托架;6-吊车梁;7一排架柱;8-抗风柱;9—基础;10—连系梁
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4.9 Comparison Between Slip and Twinning Similar ity Both slip and twinning are shear process under shear stress T I. Differences 1. Orientation 2. Atom movement 3.y,△ a) Structure: Twinning is easy 4. Conditions b) Temperature da d c) Strain rate (c
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1. Sing le crystal ver sus po l crystal 1. For single crystals there is only one type of structure with same orientation Single crystals is characterized by anisotropy 2. Polycrystal consists of a lot of grain, small single crystals, With same structure but different orientations. These small single crystals are called grains. The boundaries between them are called grain boundaries
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滨水一般指同海、湖、江、河等水域濒临的陆 地边缘地。水域孕育了城市和城市文化,成为 城市发展的重要因素。世界上知名城市大多伴随 着一条名河而兴衰变化。城市滨水区是构成城市 公共开放空间的重要部分,并且是城市公共开放 空间中兼具自然地景和人工景观的区域,其对于 城市的意义尤为独特和重要
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Paulings three rules governing the structure of ionic compounds 1. Anion Coordination polyhedron rule Each cation is surrounded by an anion polyhedron, the distance between anion and cation is r=rt tr, while the cn depends on rt/r
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3. Application of Schmid's law How to determine the active S.S. for all the equivalent S.S. 2 Determine the active S.S. by Reflection Rule. Orientation cell for cubic crystals. Given: BCC Crystal having {110}slip system. Determine: active slip system in response to tensile loading along
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