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一、适用情况 1.路线等级高,地形复杂的二阶段测设或纸上定线实地定线的一阶段测设。 2.有大比例尺地形图
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一、网络的组成与分类: 1、网络的三要素 主机(结点) 通信子网 协议及网络软件 一般意义:将异地计算机连接起来的系统(以实现资源共享为目的)
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一、解释下列术语: 1. 双重构造;2. 有效应力;3. 铲状断层;4. 花状构造;5. 石香肠构造与窗棂构造
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城市是人类聚居从事生产、生活和社会活动的特殊的生存环境。自十九世纪末叶以来,生产 力迅猛发展,人类为了生存和发展,每日向自然界索取资源和能源,如开采矿石、石油、砍伐森林、占用 耕地等。在大量消耗自然资源的基础上,人类文明取得长足的进步,但随之而来的与人类生存环境密切 相关的空气、土壤和水体等遭受严重污染,自然的生态系统被破坏、全球气候变暖、物种消亡等现象的 出现,使人类健康面临着严重威胁,这使人类不得不进行深刻的反思:人类如何才能与自然界和谐共 处?
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STRIKE - The direction of the line formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane with a bedding or fault plane. DIP - The angle formed by the intersection of a bedding or fault plane and the horizontal plane. The angle is measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the strike
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what you always wanted to know about folds, faults, and joints Stress = the force applied to a plane divided by the area of the plane
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Recognition of fault bend fold, detachment and decapitation has been possible despite the poor quality of the seismic. That was successful because of: A full integration of all disciplines including reservoir engineering petrophysics and geochemistry Vizualization in 3-D that made all members of the team speak the same language
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There will be a brief review of chapters 7 ñ 11 at the end of this lecture. There will be no lecture on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 (Reading Days)
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1. Distribution of Deformation in the Crust divide the crust into deformation regimes based on temperature and depth A. Upper Crust (0 - 50 km)
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