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上海交通大学:《面向对象软件工程 Software Engineering》课程教学资源(作业)1.Define_需求定义阶段指南
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Procedural paradigm: Software is organized around the notion of procedures Procedural abstraction —Works as long as the data is simple Adding data abstractions —Groups together the pieces of data that describe some entity
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上海交通大学:《面向对象软件工程 Software Engineering》课程教学资源(作业)1.Define_词汇表
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上海交通大学:《面向对象软件工程 Software Engineering》课程教学资源(作业)1.Define_小组作业2
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上海交通大学:《面向对象软件工程 Software Engineering》课程教学资源(作业)0.Plan_项目开发计划
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上海交通大学:《面向对象软件工程 Software Engineering》课程教学资源(作业)0.Plan_可行性研究报告
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上海交通大学:《面向对象软件工程 Software Engineering》课程教学资源(作业)0.Plan_4. 计划阶段指南
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《软件工程 Software Engineering》教学资源:课程教学大纲
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Software engineers should avoid re-developing software already developed Types of reuse: Reuse of expertise Reuse of standard designs and algorithms
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《软件工程概论》课程教学资源(参考资料)Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge(SWEBOK)Version 3.0
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