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自我意识的内涵 自我意识是个体对自己以及自己与外部世界 关系的认识不仅包含对自己的认识,也包 含对自己的主动地改造
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一、区域的概念 区域是一个空间概念,是地球表面上占有一定空间的、以不同的物 质客体为对象的地域结构形式。其基本属性是: 地球表面的一部分,并占有一定的空间(三维)。这些空间可以是自然的、经济的、社会的 具有一定的范围和界线。其范围有大有小,是依据不同要求,不同指标体系而划分出来的;其界线往往具有过渡性特征
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October 9, 2000 What is a flower structure? Draw an example of a flower structure in the box below
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Compare and contrast a classic Gulf Coast growth fault with a large-scale extensional fault(Western US). How are they similar? .. different?
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1. Compare Stearns' Type 2 fracture pattern to the okljoints from the class notes. Draw a diagram and discuss the nature and occurrence of the fracture(s)
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Geology 3063 august 28. 2000 How can tabular-planar crossbeds be used to determine younging direction?
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1. Place all books and notes on the floor. 2. Read each question carefully, then read it again. 3. ThinkThinkThinkThinkThink
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1. Place all books and notes on the foor 2. Read each question carefully, then read it again 3. Think before you write
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1. What is the significance of the concept of \principal stress\? 2. Sketch a 2D stress ellipse for the case 01=5GPa and 02= 2GPa where 01 is vertical
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1. Calculate the force at the base of a continental block that has a uniform thickness of 25km, length of1000km, width of500km, and density of2.70. What is the stress on the bottom of the block?
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