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*极限俱乐部会员信息系统* #include \stdio h\ #include \string. h #define Len sizeof (struct staff) /自动求取staf结构的字节长度* struct staft char unit[601 char name[20]
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#include #include void main( void char ch, filename[ 40], mode [4] *输入文件名和模式* printf(\hn请输入一个文件名:\
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文档格式:DOC 文档大小:25.5KB 文档页数:1
#include float mul(float a, float b) printf(“请输入两个数:”) scanf(\%f%f\, &x, &y)
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INSTALL EXE - Installation program UNZIP EXE - Program to unzip the .ZIP files README COM - Reads the readme file CLIBSRC ZIP - RTL source files ABS CAS - Source file for the C++ Library ASSERT C - Source file for the C++ Library
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void swap(int*a, int*b) int x, y, printf(℃\请输入两个整数ⅹ和y:\) scanf(\%od%d\, &x, &y) printf\交换前x和y的值为:\) printf(x=%dy=%d\\n\x, y);
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#include int abs sum(int m, int n) Int x,y, z,sum printf(“请输入三个整数:”) scanf(\%d%d%d\, &x, &y, &z)
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#include printf(“请输入一个整数:”) scanf(\%d\, &x) printf(“调用函数前:x=%dn”x) opposition(x); 体*调用函数 oppsition求相反数
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#include *定义无参函数,称为函数头* *函数体开始* /*函数体结束*
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:24KB 文档页数:1
float area(oata, float b)/*定义函数area,a,b为形参* *函数体开始* float s return s. float x, y, s printf(“请输入长方形的长和宽:”);
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