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l、必音(Heart Sound) 第一心音(S1)第二必音(S2) 第三心音(S3)第四心音(S4)
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Physical examination It is the process of examining the patient's body to determine the presence or absence of physical problems The goal of the physical examination is to obtain valid information concerning the health of the patient The examiner must be able to identify, analyze
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头颅的形态及异常改变 颜面及其器官 眼球的形态及检查方法 耳的形态及检查方法 鼻腔的形态及检查方法 口腔的形态及检查方法 腮腺的位置及检查
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Referred pain Because of this convergence and the fact that the spinal neurons are most often activated by inputs from the skin, activity evoked in spinal neurons by input from deep structures is mislocalized by the patient to a place that is roughly coextensive with the region of skin innervated by
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1.熟悉胆红素的正常代谢。 2.熟悉各型黄疸的病因及发生机制 3.掌握溶血性、肝细胞性黄疸、胆汁瘀积性黄疸,先天性非溶血性黄疸的临床特点及其相互之间的鉴别
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穿刺方法: 穿刺部位:在剑状软骨突起后缘15cm,白线 两侧3cm处为穿刺点。 术部剪毛 消毒,先用碘酊消毒,再用酒精脱 碘。 术者下蹲,左手稍移动皮肤,右手持穿刺针 垂直刺入腹腔4cm,拔出内针,用烧杯接着流出的 液体,做进一步的实验室检查
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The writing of clinical record A patient's health record plays many important roles: It provides a view of the patient's health history/status It serves as the legal document describing the healthcare services provided to the patient It provides a method for clinical communication and care
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1、熟悉视诊的方法及内容 2、掌握触诊的方法、内容及注意事项 3、掌握叩诊的方法、叩诊音的类型 4、熟悉听诊的注意事项 5、熟悉嗅诊的临床意义
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消化道出血-----呕血 呕血(hematemesis):是由上消化道 疾病或全身性疾病所致的急性上消 化道出血. 上消化道指屈氏韧带以上的消化器 官, 包括食管, 胃, 十二指肠, 肝, 胆, 胰及部分空肠
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一、 超声波 1、超声波基本概念:超声波是指频率超过2万赫兹的声波。一般 诊 断 用 超 声 波 频 率 为 1 –20MHz。超声波在弹性介质中以规则的纵波形式传播,有波长(λ)频率(f)及声速(c)三个主要物理量。c = f * λ
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