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Introduction to Accounting Self-Test True and False Questions: 1. Economic interest maximization and risk aversion are two characteristics of an economic man
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hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson 1 Introduction to Accounting Exercise Short Answer questions 1. Please elaborate the term of efficient market 2. Please elaborate the terms of ethical man, economic man, rational economic
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Part I: Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points) 1. The branch of accounting which aims at serving external users is called accounting 2. A credit entry decreases asset and accounts or increases liabi owner's equity, and revenue accounts
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Part I: Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points 1. The three common forms of business organizations are 2. The difference between the increases(including the beginning balance)and decreases
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1.了解会计信息以何种方式传递给使用者; 2.掌握工作底表的编制与运用; 3.掌握利润表的结构原理和基本编制方法; 4.掌握资产负债表的结构原理和基本编制方法;
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一、名词解释(3分题,共12分) 1、计量单位与计量属性 2、资产与负债 3、权责发生制与收付实现制 4、原始凭证与记账凭证
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一、账户分类的意义和原则 二、账户按经济内容的分类 三、账户按用途结构的分类 四、调整账户 五、跨期摊提账户 六、成本计算账户
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一、名词解释(3分/题,共15分) 1、会计确认与会计计量 2、收入与费用 3、永续盘存制与实地盘存制 4、交易与事项 5、资本性支出与收益性支出
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习题二 一、分录 1、借:生产成本-A产品 2、借:生产成本-A产品
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