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Oxirane 2-(Chloromethyl)oxirane This compound is more commonly known as epichlorohydrin. (c)Epoxides may be named by adding the prefix epoxy to the IUPAC name of a parent compound specifying by number both atoms to which the oxygen is attached
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 13.1 The field strength of an NMR spectrometer magnet and the frequency of electromagnetic radia he Ire tion used to observe an NMR spectrum are directly proportional. Thus, the ratio 4.7 T/200 MHz is the same as 1.41/60 MHz. The magnetic field strength of a 60-MHz NMR spectrometer is
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4.1 There are four C. H, alkyl groups, and so there are four C. H, CI alkyl chlorides. Each may be named by both the functional class and substitutive methods. The functional class name uses the name of the alkyl group followed by the halide as a second word. The substitutive name modifies the name of the corresponding alkane to show the location of the halogen atom
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he value of alkyl halides as starting materials for the preparation of variety of organic functional groups has been stressed many times. In our earlier discussions, we noted that aryl halides are normally much less reactive than alkyl halides in reactions that involve carbon-halogen bond cleavage. In the present chapter you will see that aryl halides can exhibit their own patterns of chemical reactivity, and that these reac
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W hen we discussed elimination reactions in Chapter 5, we learned that Lewis base can react with an alkyl halide to form an alkene. In the present chapter, you will find that the same kinds of reactants can also undergo a different reaction, one in which the Lewis base acts as a nucleophile to substitute for the halide substituent on carbon
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Recall from 6-2 that the derivative stability derivative terms zai, and Mi ended up on the lhs as modifications to the normal mass and Inertia terms displaced air is \entrained\and moves with the aircraf rounding These are the apparent mass effects- some of the sur Acceleration derivatives quantify this effect Significant for blimps, less so for aircraft e Main effect: rate of change of the normal velocity w causes a transient
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DEFINITIONS AND INCIDENCE Acute renal failure (ARF) is a syndrome characterized by rapid decline in glomerular filtration rate(GFR) and retention of nitrogenous waste products such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine
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1适用范围 本方法是用硝酸作消化试剂从水样中提取痕量元素本法适用于各类水,其中水中悬浮 颗粒物质量浓度小于20g/L,总有机碳浓度(以碳表示)小于5g/L 硝酸消化适用于释放水样中Al、As、B、B、Be、Ca、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Fe、g、K、 Mg、Mn、Mo、Na、Ni、P、Pb、Se、Sr、Ti、V、Zn,不适用于释放sb、Sn,不适用于耐 火化合物(如SiO2、TiO2、Al2O3)的消化
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1范围 本方法规定了测定水与废水中硒的石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法。 本方法适用于水与废水中硒的测定。 方法检测限为0.003mg/L,测定范围为0.015~0.2mg/L 废水中的共存离子和化合物在常见浓度下不干扰测定。在硒的浓度为0.08mg/L时,Zn (或Cd、B、Ca(或Ag)、La、Fe、K、Cu、Mo、SBa、Al(或sb)、Na、mg、As、 Pb、Mn的浓度达7500mg/L6000mg/L、5000mg/L、2750mg/L2500mg/L2000mg/L、1000 mg/L750mg/450mg/L350mg/L、300mg/L150mg/L100mg/L75mg/L20mg/L, 以及磷酸根、氟离子、硫酸根、氯离子的浓度达550mg/L225mg/L、150mg/L、125mg/L 时,对测定无干扰
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which we define as the correlation. Often we do not know the complete distribution, but only simple statistics. The most common of the moments of higher ordered distribution functions is the covarance
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