Linguistic Meaning The meaning of linguistic items. (linguistic item= anything, from word, to a grammatical morpheme or a combination of words). Different from personal/social/ cultural meanings
Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics Psycholinguistics: study of language acquisItion, Storage, comprehension, and production Neurolinguistics: study of the neural and electrochemical bases of language development and use
PSyCholinguistics-a dead disciplne! term coined in 1954 [Osgood] aim: to describe the exact operation of the brain during the production or processing of language psychology PSycho
Language is a system of symbols ymbols are objects, events, speech sounds, written forms, gestures, which humans attach meaning Symbols operate in changing fields of social relationships symbols are multivocal --enables a wide range of
Do speakers of languages think differently? Do the differences in thought stem from the linguistic diferences e or, are the diferences in thought due to cultural Inon-linguisic) infuences?
Language as an interface Human intelligence discovered a way of perpetuating itself, one not only more durable and more resistant than architecture. but also simpler and easier. Victor hugo