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《电路》(英文版)7-6 Phasor relationships for、and R:
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《机电一体化系统设计》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第五章 视觉传感器
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sinusoidal current or voltage at a given frequency is characterized by only two parameters an amplitude and a phase angle. The complex representation of the voltage or current is also characterized by these same two parameters
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The effective value of any periodic current is equal to the value of the direct current which flowing through a resistance R, delivers the same power to r as periodic current does
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①主电路保护的设置 这里所讲的保护,主要是针对电源变换装置里 的器件,需要保护的状态包括:过电压、过电流、 过热等
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In either case, leading or lagging, we say that sinusoids are out of phase () if phase angles equal they are said to be in phase(同相)
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The complete response is written as the sum of the forced and the natural response, and the initial conditions are then determined and applied to the complete response to find the values of the constants
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The over-damped response---- i()= A,+A, The critically-damped response-- i(t) =e (At+A2) The under-damped- response---it)e-(b1 cos+2 sino)
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A1, A,----two arbitrary constants S S2----real numbers or conjugate complex Since the s,t and s,t must be dimensionless, S,, S2----(1/s)
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The complete response=the natural response+forced response
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