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• 1 概述 • 2 微生物类群与形态结构 • 3 微生物的生理生化 • 4 微生物生态 • 5 环境微生物检测 • 6 微生物对污染物的降解与转化(生物修复) • 7 环境污染生物处理的一般技术原理
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本规范是根据建设部建标[2003]104号文的要求,由中国建筑科学研究院会同有关设计、 勘察、施工、研究和教学单位,对《建筑桩基技术规范》JGJ94-94修订而成。 在修订过程中,开展了专题研究,进行了广泛的调查分析,总结了近年来我国桩基础设 计、施工经验,吸纳了该领域新的科研成果,以多种方式广泛征求了全国有关单位的意见, 并进行了试设计,对主要问题进行了反复修改,最后经审查定稿。 本规范主要技术内容有:桩基基本设计规定、桩基构造、桩基承载力极限状态和正常使 用极限状态计算或验算、桩基施工、桩基工程质量检查和验收及有关附录
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0.25 zero(O, naught) point two five plus,positive
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Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 1. Introduction Getting prepared!!! Measurement, Models Theories and Laws Vector and Scalar
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Chapter 16 Kinetic Theory of Gases Chapter 16 Kinetic Theory of Gases (气体动理论) 1. Molecular interpretation of Temperature Distribution of Molecular Speed Mean Free Path
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Chapter 17 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics 1. Heat and Energy Transfer, Internal Energy and Specific Heat 2. The First Law of Thermodynamics 3. Applying ist Law of Thermodynamics Molar Specific Heats for Gases, and the Equipartition of Energy Adiabatic Expansion of a Gas
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Chapter 18 Second Law of Thermodynamics Chapter 18: Second Law of Thermodynamics(热力学第二定律) O The second law of thermodynamics Reversible and irreversible process(可逆过程与不可逆过程): Carnot cycle(卡诺循环) Entropy(熵)
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Chapter 19 Electric Charge and Electric Field 1. Static Electricity; Electric Charge and Its Conservation; Insulators and Conductors; Induced Charge 2. Coulomb's Law 3. The Electric Field and its Calculations 4. Electric Field and Conductors 5. Electric Dipoles
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Chapter 20 Gauss's Law A statement of the relationship between electric charge and electric field. Electric Flux 2 Gauss's Law 3 Application of Gauss's Law
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Chapter 21 Electric Potential 1. Electric Potential and Potential Difference 2. Relation Between Electric Potential and Electric Field 3. The Calculation of Electric Potential 4. Equipotential Surfaces 5. Electrostatic Potential Energy
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