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3.1 flow of funds 3.1.1 the flow of funds from saverlender- borrower-spenders-
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一、定义 金融期权( Financial Options)是指以金融商品或金融期货为标的物的合约交 易形式,在金融期权交易中,期权合约的购买者(买方)向期权合约的出售者(卖 方)支付一定的费用后(期权费或保险费,就获得了能在末来某特定时间或某一 特定时期以某一特定价格(协议价格)从期权合约出售者买进或向期权合约出售者 卖出一定数量的某种金融商品或金融期货合约的权利
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Types of Finance Government Finance Business Finance Macro Finance Micro Finance Personal Finance
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Problem 1. Sammy the Shark is a financial service provider who offers loans on the fol lowing terms. Sammy loans a client m dollars in the morning This puts the client m dollars in debt to Sammy. Each evening, Sammy first charges\service fee\, which increases the client's debt by f dollars, and then Sammy charges interest, which multiplies the debt by a factor
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assets An asset is a commodity that provides a flow of services over time. +E.g. a house, or a computer. .A financial asset provides a flow of money over time -a security
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30.2 Big Losses by Financial Institutions Allied Irish Bank($700 million) Barings($1 billion) Chemical Bank($33 million) Daiwa ($1 billion) Kidder Peabody ($350 million) LTCM ($4 billion) Midland Bank ($500 million) National Bank ($130 million) Sumitomo ($2 billion)
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Interest rate is the price of the money. .Interest rates are the most pervasive element in the financial market. Interest works both ways. .You earn interest when you save and you pay interest when you borrow
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7.1.1 reasons of the production of central bank to unite the currency clearing the lender of last resort financial supervision
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Topics Covered Bond Characteristics reading the financial pages Bond Prices and Yields Bond prices and interest rates YTM VS. current yield Rate of Return Interest Rate Risk The Yield Curve Nominal and Real Rates of Interest
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How Much Cash Should a business Have? Every business needs enough cash to pay its bills! Irwin/McGraw-Hill ?The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
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