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§1. OOD准则:优秀软件设计的一个重要特点是容易维护 §2. 启发式规则 §3. 软件重用 (Software Reuse) §4. 系统分解 §5. 设计类中的服务 §6. 设计关联 §7. 优化
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Project management encompasses all the activities needed to plan and execute a project: Deciding what needs to be done Estimating costs Ensuring there are suitable people to undertake the project
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What is Object-Oriented? Object orientation is an approach to software development that organizes both the problem ane nd its solution as a collection of discrete objects
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西安石油大学:《软件工程 Software Engineering》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第六章 编码、实现
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一、OOA的基本过程 二、需求陈述 三、建立对象模型 四、建立动态模型 五、建立功能模型 六、定义服务
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西安石油大学:《软件工程 Software Engineering》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第二章 可行性研究
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一、我们的座标 二、面向对象方法 三、面向对象:能与不能 四、统一建模语言UML
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State Machine specifications Define behavior using states and transitions between states
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design: added inheritance, multiple inheritance, and polymorphism to ADT In process added complexity and increased some types of connectivity Lots of claimed advantages -- so far empirical evaluation is not supporting them well
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一、需求分析概念 二、需求分析过程 三、需求分析方法 四、需求分析产品
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