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Part l: Maintenance of the genome Dedicated to the structure of NA and the processes that propagate, maintain and alter it from one cell generation to the next
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Lecture 3: Degradable Materials with Biological Recognition Last time: Theory of hydrolytic polymer erosion Enzymatic degradation of polymers Designing Biodegradable Macromolecules Today: Biological recognition in vivo Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: cell adhesion/migration Reading: S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert and J.A. Hubbell, 'Functional Biomaterials: Design of Novel
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GLOSSARY Abundance of an mRNA is the average number of molecules per cell Abundant mRNAs consist of a small number of individual species, each present in a large
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1. Differences between prokaryotes/eukaryotes 2. Shape and arrangement 3. Procaryoic cell organization
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木材(w0od)是由无数的细胞(ce组成的。如果 放大了来说,把木材比喻成一座大厦的话,则细胞可 比喻成构成大厦的基本单元—砖(空心砖) 木材细胞在生长发育过程中历经分生、扩大和 胞壁加厚等阶段而达到成熟
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MYCOBACTERIUM THIS GENUS IS COMPOSED OF. Strictly aerobic, acid-fast rods, does not Stain well (gram stain indeterminant) DNA has high g+c content, unique cell wall, Mycolic acid carbon chain length c60 Relatively slow growth(two groups) A. RAPID GROWERS (Visible colonies in <5 days B SLOW GROWERS (Visible colonies in 5 days)
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第一节细胞信号转导系统概述 细胞通讯(cell communication):指一个细胞发出的信息通过介质传递到另一个细胞产生相应反应的过程
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(1)营寄生生活或自由生活 (2)两侧对称,三胚层,具有完善的器官系统。 (3)排泄系统一般由焰细胞( flame cell)和排泄管 构成。 (5)神经系统包括一个脑。 (6)缺体腔,器官之间的空隙充满实质组织 (7)雌雄同体
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NMR supplement Hendrickson, W-A& Wuthrich, K Macromolecular 16. Leahy, D.J., Aukhil, I.& Erickson, H.P. 2.0 Cell 84 A K.D. thanks the Wellcome Trust and The queens 2D0i9 Riddiough. G. Nature Struct. Biol 18. sakaning. AK Kean. cel l8r.597-605i(eRw& by the Wellcome Trust. The authors acknowledge
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Section G Eukaryotic microbes, an overview 真核微生物,概述 PLANT CELL Mitochondrion Ribosome Nucleus thylakoid
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