Atmospheric sphere Definition: the air layer which surround the surface of earth and circumrotate with earth. (包围地球表面并随着地球旋转的空气层) The thick is around 2000km~3000km. The character of physics and chemistry of atmospheric sphere is change with height
Definitions of Modeling and simulation physics-based modeling empirical modelIng Model/simulation Development Process module identification module ordering: DSM,'s and N2 diagrams module coding fidelity and benchmarking model execution simulation Computational Issues
Sums, Approximations, and Asymptotics II Block Stacking How far can a stack of identical blocks overhang the end of a table without toppling over? Can a block be suspended entirely beyond the table's edge? Table Physics imposes some constraints on the arrangement of the blocks. In particular, the stack falls off the desk if its center of mass lies beyond the desk's edge. Moreover, the center of mass of the top k blocks must lie above the(k+1)-st block;
简介:学生已学完普通物理力学课程(教材: Halliday et al, Fundamentals of Physics, Sixth edition,2001, John Wiley& Sons Inc或其它),实际上已掌握了理论力学课程中矢量力学部分的若干内容。本课 程要求以较少时间复习与学习矢量力学,以掌握其核心内容;大部分时间放在学习分析力学上面
Katzenstein Distinguished Lecture prof. Franck Wilczek Nobel Prize in Physics 2004 From MIT Title: The Universe is Strange Place Where: Room P--36 When: Friday at 4: 00PM Refreshments at3:00 PM in front of P--36 Come for great talk
Announcements Lectures available on the web(short version) For over-enrollment please go to the Physics office P107 Laboratory sessions start next week Syllabus+ homeworks lectures, etc Webassign
Lectures available on the web(short version) For over-enrollment please go to the Physics office P107 Laboratory sessions start next week go to my web site w. phys. uconn. edu/-rcote Syllabus+ homeworks lectures, etc WebAssign: ready Friday night gotowww.webassign.netandlogin )username: first letter of first name plus last name