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Chapter 22Conductor Dielectrics. ElectricEnergy Storage Capacitance Dielectrics Energy Stored in an Electric Field
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爱因斯坦: Albert einstein 现代时空的创始人(1879-1955)
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Chapter 34Quantum Mechanics 1. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle 2. Schrodinger's Equation
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The speed of sound Sound waves are longitudinal mechanical waves that can travel through solids, liquids, or gases. The speed of a sound wave in medium(having bulk modulus(容变弹性模量)and density p) is:
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Chapter 30 The Wave Nature of Light, Interference 1 Huygens'principle 2 Refraction 3 Young's Double-slit Experimentinterference 4 Intensity in the Double-slit Interference Pattern 5 Interference in Thin Films 6 Michelson Interferometer
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Chapter 26 Sources of Magnetic Field 1. Biot-savart's law 2. Magnetic Flux and Gauss'Law 3 Amperes Law 4. Magnetic Materials
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Chapter 27 Electro-Magnetic Induction and Faraday's Law 1. The Law of Electro-Magnetic Induction 2. Motional Induced Emf
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学习要点: 一、软件生命周期表明软件从功能确定、设计,到开发成功投入使用,并在使用中不断地修改、增补和完善,直至被新的需要所替代而停止该软件的使用的全过程。 二、软件开发模型是从软件项目需求定义直至软件经使用后废弃为止,跨越整个生存期的系统开发、运作和维护所实施的全部过程、活动和任务的结构框架
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第八章软件测试 8.1软件测试的基本概念 8.2软件测试方法 8.3测试用例的设计 8.4软件测试的步骤 8.5调试 8.6软件可靠性 8.7测试工具
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面向对象的系统分析与设计首先要从建模开始 。建立模型帮助人们思考问题、定义术语,从全局 上把握系统的全貌及系统各组成部分的关系,防止 过早地陷入某些问题的细节
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