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现代生物技术(生物工程)的概念 建立在分子遗传学、生物化学、微生物学以及化学工程 计算技术等基础上的现代生物技术,是20世纪后半叶蓬勃 发展起来的新技术领域,为人类保健、农牧业、食品工业 环境保护等提供了强大的发展动力
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I. Greetings . Review Have a dictation IlI. Start the new lesson 1 Introduction: A young man with a gun suddenly attacked me when I walked out of my garage with some KFC in my hand. Not only my money and watch, but also the KFC chicken was
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The key words and phrases of Unit Four: make up one's mind to, a chain of, range from to, focus on, be absorbed in, communicate with, take seriously I Start the New lesson AIDS is a disease that appeared in the United States more than 20 years ago. Since then
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I Greetings Il. Review: the key words and phrases of Unit Two II Start the new lesson 1 Introduction: In this story, a son describes how shamed he felt as a youth when he walked down the street with his crippled father. The son did not like how people stared at them. His father never let on that he saw any of this. He was very active and enjoyed life
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Unit One section a learning a foreign language I Greetings IL. Review: Let students say something about their experience of learning English in their junior and senior middle school II Start the new lesson
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[1]娄布,等我国杂交水稻的新进展中国农业科学198:216):3 [2]袁隆平.试谈杂交水稻的育种战略作物杂志1990,(1):12
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本研究是在导师张改生教投的悉心指导下完成的。三年来,学业上 直得到他的支持、理解和指导,特此深表谢意 论文研究期间,还得到刘宏伟副教投,王军卫讲师,王小利副教投, 田增荣副研究员,陈新宏副研究员,王长有助理研究员的热情指导和帮助 同窗杜伟莉博士、邵景侠博士,李桂萍、刘洪梅、王振华、何良荣、姬俊 华姜奇彦、李红霞,方正武、张胜利等,以及同学高瑞、张春霞、王江 波等均亦给予了鼎力相助,在此一并致谢
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现在约有174万种动物已被命名、分类, 而一般认为还有30倍于该数目的动物种类 存在于地球上。目前,每年大约有15000 个新种被命名和描述。动物界的多样性是 显而易见的!
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棘皮动物门在动物演化上属于后口动物( deuterostome)。它们与原口动物( protostome) 不同的是:在胚胎发育中的原肠胚期,原口(胚孔)形成动物的肛门,而在与原口相对的 端,另形成新口称为后口。以这种方式形成口的动物,称为后口动物
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基因突变是生物界的普遍现象,是新基因的 唯一来源,是生物进化的原材料。 第一节点突变和染色体突变 名词 基因突变( gene mutation):出现在单个基因 内部任何可遗传的改变,又称为点突变( point mutation)。 染色体突变( chromosomes mutation):包含 染色体片段、整条染色体甚至整个染色体组的遗 传变异,称为染色体突变
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