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7.4.1 走滑断层基本特征 7.4.2 走滑断层应力状态和相关变形 7.4.3 与走滑断层有关的构造和相关问题
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6.2 瀑布景观 瀑布是河流的一部分,当河水从河床陡坡或悬崖处倾泻而下时便形成瀑布。瀑布,地质学上叫作跌水,是由地球内力和外力作用而形成的
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6.1 泉水景观 泉是地下水流出地表的天然露头。常在山区的坡麓、沟谷出现。当含水层或含水的通道被侵蚀而出露于地表时,地下水便涌出成泉,故泉是地下水的一种重要排泄形式。 6.2 瀑布景观 6.2 瀑布景观 瀑布是河流的一部分,当河水从河床陡坡或悬崖处倾泻而下时便形成瀑布。瀑布,地质学上叫作跌水,是由地球内力和外力作用而形成的
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一、怎样编制节理等密图 1.根据已经给出的节理产状,在吴氏网上投影节理面的 极点,作出节理极点的投影图节理极点图。 2.在极点图上统计极点数 统计时采用与吴氏网的角距相对应的普洛宁网普洛宁网由100个 小圆组成,由网的中心到圆周小圆的半径逐渐增大,所代表的角 距半径相等,实际面积相等,每个小圆的面积占吴氏网(普洛宁 网)面积的1%。介绍对跖圆的概念
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Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles The unifying theme in this section is the remarkable weakness of major faults. I will consider the diverse new evidence for weakness, and the evidence for high pore pressure localized in faults as a fundamental cause. With this background one can better understand why faults remain active even after large rotations with
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Recognition of fault bend fold, detachment and decapitation has been possible despite the poor quality of the seismic. That was successful because of: A full integration of all disciplines including reservoir engineering petrophysics and geochemistry Vizualization in 3-D that made all members of the team speak the same language
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组成地壳的岩石在地表的常温、常压下,由于气温变化气体水容液 及生物的共同作用,在原地遭受破坏的过程。 三大岩类的形成环境与地表相比都具有较高的温度和压力,当暴露到地 区性表这样一个新环境进,岩石性质不稳定促使岩石在地表原地遭受破坏 的作用称风化作用
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内容提要 一、接触关系(2.1) 二、沉积岩层产状和V字型法则 三、地层的接触关系 四、原生构造(2.2) 五、沉积岩原生构造和软沉积物变形 六、岩浆岩产状和原生构造
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第五章地下水(Ground water) 赋存在地表以下岩土空隙中的水。 岩土的空隙: 1.松散沉积物中的孔隙连通性好 2.坚硬岩石中的裂隙 分布不均匀 3.可溶性岩石中的溶隙连通性差
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STRIKE - The direction of the line formed by the intersection of a horizontal plane with a bedding or fault plane. DIP - The angle formed by the intersection of a bedding or fault plane and the horizontal plane. The angle is measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the strike
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