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一、真核微生物包括真菌、藻类和原生动物。 二、有明显的核。核有核膜将其与细胞质分开。 三、 所有真菌都是有机营养型,藻类为无机营养型的光合生物
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Section E Bacterial genetics 细菌的贵传 细胞壁 细胞膜 莱膜 E1 Mutations
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Section d Bacterial structure and function 细菌的结构与功能 Archaea D5 The archaea Crenarchaeota Euryarchaeota 古细菌
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Section C Information Storage and Transfer信息的储存与传递 C5 Control of gene expression 基因表达的调控
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一细菌的大小和形态 二细菌的基本构造 三细菌的特殊构造 四细菌形态和构造的观察
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复旦大学:《医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology》课程资源_课后各讲思考题(共二十七讲)
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Section F- Bacteria and archaea in the environment环境中的细菌和古细菌 Plants, algae F1 Prokaryotes in the respiration respiration Consume Environment环境中
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Section B Microbial metabolism B2 Electron Transport, The Mitochon rion outer Inner Oxidative Phosphorylation and membrane membrane 阝- oxiantion of Fatty Acids 电子传递,氧化磷酸化和 脂肪酸的β-氧化
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1. Nutritional type of microbe? 1. 1 A distinction should be made between the Heterotrophic and autotrophic Organic compounds .2 Carbon source Carbon dioxide Organic molecule a1.3 Energy source Light or chemistry energy
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