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含硫含磷化合物属于元素有机化合物。元素有机化合物是指有机基团的碳原子与其它原子(除H,O,N,X外)相连的化合物。如RMgX,R-C≡C-Ag, R-C≡CNa,Rli,(C6H5)3P,RSH等
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In this appendix, we present a primer for people who are unfamiliar with the Java language. This introduction is intended to allow you to develop the Java skills necessary to understand the programs in this text. It is not a complete Java reference; for a more thorough coverage of Java, consult the Bibliographical Notes. We do not assume that you are familiar with object-oriented principles, such as classes, objects, and encapsulation, although some knowledge of these topics would be helpful. If you are already familiar with C or C++, the transition to Java will be smooth, because much Java syntax is based on C/C++
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第一章 经济法概述 一、单选题 1.A 2. C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.C 二、多选题 1.AC 2.ABC 3.ABD 4.ABCD 5.ABD 6.BC 7.AB 8.ABCD
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4.1 C语句概述 4.2 赋值语句 4.3 数据输入输出的概念及在c语言中的实现 4.4 字符数据的输入输出 4.5 格式输入与输出 4.6 顺序结构程序设计举例
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要设计选择结构程序,要考虑两个方面的问题:一是 在C语言中如何来表示条件,二是在C语言中实现选择结 构用什么语句。 在C语言中表示条件,一般用关系表达式或逻辑表达 式,实现选择结构用if语句 switch或语句
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10、设a、b、C、d、m、n均为int型变量,且a=5、b=6、c=1、d=2 m=2、n=3,则执行m=(d>c)&&(n=a>b)后n的值为 14、能正确表达数学关系|a-10&8a-10&&a-10la<10
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4.1 C语句概述 4.2 赋值语句 4.3 数据输入输出的概念及在c语言中的实现 4.4 字符数据的输入输出 4.5 格式输入与输出 4.6 顺序结构程序设计举例
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20.1 () Carboxylic aci id anhydrides bear two acyl groups on oxygen, as in RCOCR. They are named as derivatives of carboxylic acids. Q CH:CH2CHCOH CH,CH,CHCOCCHCH_CH3 C6H C. C. 2-Phenylbutanoic acid 2-Phenylbutanoic anhydride (c) Butyl 2-phenylbutanoate is the butyl ester of 2-phenylbutanoic acid. CH,CH,CHCOCH,CH,CH2CH
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 24.(b) A benzyl group(C., CH2) is ortho to the phenolic hydroxyl group in o-benzylphenol. OH CH2C.Hs (c)Naphthalene is numbered as shown. 3-Nitro-I-naphth has a hydroxyl group at C-1 and a nitro group
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The triacylglycerol shown in text Figure 26.2a, with an oleyl group at C-2 of the glycerol unit and two ste earyl groups at C-I and C-3, yields stearic and oleic acids in a 2 I molar ratio on hydrolysis. A constitutionally isomeric structure in which the oleyl group is attached to C-1 of glycerol would yield the same hydrolysis products
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