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Sorting: There is a series of data in random order, we sort them depending a certain key word Datalist: an finity set of data waiting to be sorted Key: data object has many attribute areas, namely there are many data element, one of all these elements can be used to distinguish object, we use it as sorting key. we also call it sorting code
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SELECT主要子句 SELECT[ ALL DISTINCT [TOP expression [PERCENT] [WITH TIES ] select list [ INTO new_ table] [Fro{}n]
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Ⅱ. Listening skills 1. M: Will you love and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live? Q: Who is the woman 2. W: Mike, wake upl It is time to go to school. Hurry up or you're going to be late M: Dont worry. I can sleep all day Did you forget today is Martin Luther King's
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Uint I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: Now we have satellite and high-powered microscope, it s easy to think we know everything about the world; but we still dont understand EI Nino W: Right. Scientists all over the world over are even uncertain about the cause of the warm Pacific current that brings storms or drought-the mysterious EI Nino
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Into I. Basic listening practice 1. Script w: What's that? Is it a toy? Did it get chewed by a dog? M: Hey, that s my mascot! My uncle gave it to me when I was five, and it's been with me ever since. It brought me luck in all my college exams. I can t bring myself to
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Uints I. Basic listening practice 1. Script W: I bought a camera from your store. Here's my receipt. I know it's just warranty period, but the camera hasn't worked properly for some time, and now it's not focusing at all. M: We're sorry you've has problem with one of our cameras. I t seems that the camera has suffered some damage, but you've been a regular customer, and wed
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I.常用词组 add up to 总计达;相等于某事物 all walks of life 各行各业 anything but 根本,决不 a real bargain
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Chapter Three Telecommunication Technology Chapter Study Tasks (3) In this chapter, you will be able to Identify the key concepts of telecommunication -Learn the basics of data and serial communications -Get the general ideas of the text and the extensive reading -Complete all the practice required
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Chapter Five Microform Technology Chapter Study Tasks (5) In this chapter, you will be able to Get the general idea of microform technology Identify the uses of Microforms Get the general ideas of the texts and extensive readings -Complete all the practice required
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第一天[2003.02.14. abandon vt.抛弃,离弃 The cruel man abandoned his wife and child. 那个狠心的男人遗弃了妻儿。 vt.放弃 They had abandoned all hope. 他们不再抱任何希望
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