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Sliding Filament Model Myosin head Myosin filament Actin binding site Actin filament As the actin filament sin filament. the Rate constants k myosin head can bind to it at the red triangl
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BE.410 Spring 2003-Lecture 20 Images removed due to copyright considerations The following articles and research were discussed in this lecture Rawicz, W. et al. \Effect of Chain Length and Unsaturation on Elasticity of Lipid Bilayers
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Effect of laminar shear stress on cell alignment(Dewey eta.1981) Photos removed due to copyright considerations See Dewey, C F, et al. \The dynamic response of vascular endothelial cells to fluid shear stress J Biomech Eng 1981 Aug: 103 (3): 177-85 No flow
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麻省理工大学:《生物工程》教学讲义(英文版)lec 23 notes
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麻省理工大学:《生物工程》教学讲义(英文版)lec 24 slid mig
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麻省理工大学:《生物工程》教学讲义(英文版)lec 25 notes
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7-1连接件的强度计算 1.剪切的工程实例
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在一定的时间间隔内,各位置上风速的平均值 几乎是不变的,但随高度增加而增大,这就是 平均风,又被称为稳定风,其周期大小约在10 分钟以上,远离一般结构物的自振周期
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高耸结构是指其宽度和深度远小于高度的 瘦长结构。其中烟囱和电视塔、输电塔、石油 化工塔等最为常用。本章主要讨论高耸结构风 响应实用的计算方法,采用前面所述风振动力 分析的原理和方法,即按风振随机振动的振型 分解法
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