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为使 建筑安装工程的构想科学,设计和施工经济、合理,建 设速度快,误差小,经甲乙双方充分协商,特订立本合同
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1.2 Atomic bonding Bonding forces and energies FF net force attractive force repulsive force
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2. Classification of materials based on structure Regularity in atom arrangement periodic or not (amorphous)
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2.5 Indices of crystal planes and directions I What's crystal planes anddirect ions? The atomic planes anddirections passing through the crystal arecalled(crystal) planes and directionsrespectively
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2.3 Crystal Structure and Complex Lattice | Crystal structure is the real arrangement of atom in crystals Crystal structure Space lattice Basis or structure unit
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4. Rule for elongation or reduction of R D All R.D. in the region where K1 and K2 makes an obtuse(acute) angle will increase (reduce) its length after twinning
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3. 1 Basic concepts of al loys 1. Definition An alloy is the combination of metal(s) with other elements through chemical bonding. Termino logy
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1. Deformation process of polycrystalline materials Deformation process of industrial material consists of three stages Elastic. which is reversible
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Edge dislocation 1. Slip (glide) Dislocation motion vs. atom movement. Direction:l⊥讠 Plane:lb(l× Dislocation motion vs. crystal movement. → crystal movement→(dislocation motion)
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