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纤维形态结构、超分子结构、分子结构层次 纤维结构与纤维化学性能之间关系 纤维结构与纤维物理性能关系
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Chemistry Technology of Fabric Preparation Finishing by Dr. Charles Tomasino ED MAKC Department of Textile Engineering Chemistry Science College ofTextiles North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:505.5KB 文档页数:66
3.1 Intruction 3.2 次氯酸钠漂白 Bleaching with Sodium Hypochlorite 3.3 过氧化氢漂白 Bleaching with Hydrogen Peroxide 3.4 亚氯酸钠漂白 Bleaching with Sodium chlorite 3.5 Other Bleaching Agents 3.6 Use of Fluorescent Whitening Agents
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9.1 Introduction 9.2 Mechanism of Shrink for Fabric 9.3 Method of Antishrinking
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7.1 Introduction 7.2 General Situation of Processing 7.3 Mechanism of Thermosetting 7.4 Analysis of Process of Thermosetting
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2.1 Introduction 2.2 Preparation of Gray Goods 2.3 Singeing 2.4 Desizing 2.5 Scouring(boiling-out)
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• 1.1 Water, national resources and environment 1.2 Water characteristic and quality of water 1.3 The Methods of Demineralization of Water 1.4 Waste Water 1.5 Surface Tension and Surface Absorption 1.6 Construction Characteristic and Solution Property of Tenside 1.7 Usually Employed Tenside and their Biodegradability • 1.7.1 Anionic Tenside • 1.7.2 Nonionic Tenside • 1.7.3 Cationic Tenside • amphoteric Tenside 1.8 Functional 1.9 Relation of Chemical Construction and Property of Surfactant
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