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Lecture 12: Organic templating of inorganic materials and bone biomimesis Last time interfacial biomineralization and biomimetic inorganic chemistry Today biological strategies for inorganic templating by organic materials Biomimetic
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Hydrogels in drug delivery Control of drug release kinetics by hydrogel structure6, Release from stable hydrogels is controlled by diffusion of solute through the network Diffusion is described by Fick,s second law
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Biological recognition in vivo Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: adhesion/migration peptides Engineering biological recognition of biomaterials: enzymatic recognition and cytokine Reading S.E. Sakiyama-Elbert and J.A. Hubbell, Functional Biomaterials: Design of Novel
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1.下面有 10 组直齿圆柱齿轮传动设计方案,齿轮精度为 7 级,工作寿命 50000 小时,传动 平稳,主动轮转速 1440r/min,分别选择软齿面材料(例如结构钢正火)和硬齿面材料(例 如合金钢渗碳淬火),比较其承载能力,并分析产生这种结果的原因
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Lecture 9: Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels Last Day: Physical hydrogels Structure and chemistry Toda polyelectrolyte hydrogels, complexes, and coacervates rolyte multilayer theory of swelling in ionic hydrogels Reading S.K. De et aL., 'Equilibrium swelling and kinetics of pH-responsive hydrogels: Models experiments, and simulations
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①掌握蜗杆传动的特点和应用,理解蜗杆传动常见的分类方法 ②掌握蜗杆传动常见失效形式,了解材料选择和结构类型; ③掌握蜗杆传动的基本参数及变位原理; ④掌握蜗杆传动受力分析(大小、方向)及蜗轮转向的判断;
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A recent study of controlled release of a model small-molecule drug from poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres prepared by the single-emulsion method found that the diffusion constant of the drug through the polymer was best related to the polymers molecular weight according
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Brannon-Peppas theory of swelling in ionic hydrogels Original theory for elastic networks developed by Flory and Mehrer, refined for treatment of ionic hydrogels by Brannon-Peppas and Peppas Other theoretical treatments Derivation of ionic hydrogel swelling Model structure of the system
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