Automatic repeat request (ARQ) Break large files into packets FILE PKT PKT PKT Check received packets for errors Use a feedback channel to request retransmissions Retransmit packets containing errors acket Receive ACK
The TCP/P Protocol Suite Transmission Control Protocol Internet protocol Developed by darPa to connect Universities and Research Labs Four Layer model Applications Telnet, FTP, email, etc Transport TCP, UDP Network IP ICMP, IGMP Link
OVERVIEW OF THE EFFECTS OF THE SPACE ENVIRONMENT Outgassing in near vacuum Atmospheric drag Chemical reactions Plasma-induced charging Radiation damage of microcircuits, solar arrays, and sensors single event upsets in digital devices Hyper-velocity impacts
Goal: Give necessary optics background to tackle a space mission, which includes an optical payload Light .Interaction of light w/environment o Optical design fundamentals Optical performance considerations .Telescope types and CCd design interferometer types
Overview lecture Space Systems Engineering presented by: Prof David Miller prepared by: Olivier de Weck Revised and augmented by: Soon-Jo Chung Chart: 1 16.684 Space Systems Product Development February 13, 2001
he variable t is usually referred to as the\time Note the use of an integral form in the formal definition(2.2): it assumes that the function tHa(a(t), t)is integrable on T, but does not require =a(t)to be differentiable at any particular point, which turns out to be convenient for working with discontinuous
Definition A real-valued function V: X H R defined on state space X of a system with behavior set B and state r:B×[0,∞)→ X is called a Lyapunov function if tHv(t)=v(a(t))=v(a(z(), t)) is a non-increasing function of time for every z E B according to this definition, Lyapunov