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Modified atmosphere packaging(map) is widely used for many food products and is now a commercial and economic reality. MAP is common in markets that have a well established and controlled cold chain and that can sustain a high- priced quality product. However, MAP is a mild preservation method and a major concern is that MAP storage may not provide a sufficient level of safety for the extended storage of fresh chilled food products with regard to pathogenic
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Package integrity is an essential requirement for maintaining the high quality of, for example, sterilised foods and modified atmosphere packaged foods. The increasing focus on quality assurance is putting demands on verification of food package integrity. The foremost noticeable package integrity problem is probably leaking seals, particularly with flexible plastic packages which are more prone to mechanical damage than traditional rigid metal packages. A non- destructive leak test device allowing evaluation of every container produced is. therefore, of interest to food manufacturers
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The primary concern of chilled food manufacturers is to produce a product that is both wholesome, i.e. it has all the fresh, quality attributes associated with a chilled food, and safe, i.e. free from pathogenic microorganisms and chemical and foreign body contamination. This is particularly important in this product ector as, due to the nature and method of production, many chilled foods are classified as high-risk products
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Preface This reference guide is intended for anyone who requires go to Dr Paisan Loaharanu, Joint FAO/AEA Division a source book on food irradiation, including those in the for Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, for his manufacturing and retail industries, and teachers and help and comments, and for contributing the Foreword
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As we know from the definition, intelligent or smart packaging monitors and gives information about the quality of the packed food. According to Huis in't give Veld (1996) the changes taking place in the fresh food product can be categorised as (i) microbiological growth and metabolism resulting in pH- changes, formation of toxic compounds off-odours, gas and slime formation
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6.1 Introduction The modern food industry is called on to deliver seemingly contradictory market demands. On the one hand consumers want improved safety and sensory quality, together with increased nutritional properties, extended shelf-life and convenience in preparation and use. On the other they want food with a traditional, wholesome image, with less processing and fewer additives
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The packaging sector is an important global industry, representing about 2% of the Gross National Product (GNP) of the developed countries. The value of the packaging industry is about 345 million euros worldwide, of which Europe represents a third. Fifty per cent of this market is packaging for food. Forecasts suggest that the sector will continue to grow in size and importance Many cooking and preservation processes still largely depend on effective packaging, for example canning, aseptic, sous vide and baking processes. Processes such as drying and freezing would be lost without protective packaging after processing to control product exposure to the effects of oxygen light, water vapour, bacterial and other contaminants. However, modern food packaging no longer has just a passive role in protecting and marketing the product. It increasingly has an active role in processing, preservation
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Why? Understanding is key to control and prevention HACCP GMP SOP Preventive measure Food safety
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Part I Introduction 1 Keys to new product success and failure. 1.1 Food products-the basis of innovation 1.2 Measures of product success and failure 1.3 Key factors in product success . 1.4 Product development process: the basis for success
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Managing innovation is a necessary skill for senior management of all food companies producing new raw materials, new ingredients or new consumer products. Company growth and even survival depends on the introduction of successful new products into old and new markets. The dividing line between product success and failure depends on many factors, but the most important are new product qualities, skills and resources of the company, market and marketing proficiency, and an organised product development process
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