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Medical Genetics Multifactorial inheritance is responsible for the greatest number of individuals that will need special care or hospitalization because of genetic diseases
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Medical Genetics Gene Mutation Change in genes caused by change in structure of the DNA
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Medical Genetics Genes are entities that parents pass to offspring during reproduction
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Chapter 5 Macromolecules and Molecular Genetics DNA Replication Complementary base pairing Semiconservative Template and primer From 5'-phosphate to the 3'-hydroxyl end DNA polymerase and ligase A short stretch of RNA serves as primer Primase: a specific RNA-polymerizing enzyme
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8.1 Mutations and Mutants 8.2 Genetic Recombination 8.3 Genetic Transformation 8.4 Transduction 8.5 Conjugation 8.6 Plasmids 8.7 Transposons and Insertion Sequences 8.8 Comparative Prokaryotic Genomics 8.9 Genetics in Eukaryotic Microorganisms
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Chapter 7 Microbial Genetics Plasmids Circular genetic elements that reproduce autonomously and have an extra chromosomal existence 1-1000 KB in size Most are circular double stranded dna. some linear ds DNA
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Chapter 7 Microbial Genetics Plasmids Circular genetic elements that reproduce autonomously and have an extra-chromosomal existence 1-1000 KB in size Typical plasmid 1/20 of chromosome Most are circular double-stranded DNA. some linear ds dna Transmitted from cell to cell via
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一、前言 二、群体的遗传平衡 三、影响遗传平衡的因素 四、遗传负荷 五、群体中的平衡多态现象
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Medical genetics Mitochondria are extremely small (from.002-008 millimeters in length) rice-shaped structures whose details can only be seen with the electron microscope
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河南农业大学:《微生物学》课程教学课件(PPT讲稿)第七章 微生物的遗传变异与育种 Microbial Genetics and Variation(1/5)第一节 遗传的物质基础 Matter Base for Genetics
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