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Conversion Conversion is main type of word- formation assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form. For example, the verb release is converted to the noun release
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4.1Word2000简介 4.2文档的管理 4.3编辑文档 4.4格式化文档 4.5图形处理 4.6表格处理 4.7Word2000的其他功能
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We have seen that every word of two or more syllables, when said alone, has a stress on one of its syllables. This is called word-stress. But in connected speech we do not hear a stress on every word. Some words lose their stresses, especially when we talk quickly, other words keep their stresses and these stressed syllables form what is called sentence-stress
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Chapter 3 Liaison If we want to speak English fluently, we must try to avoid pronouncing each word as if it were isolated. We must try to link words together smoothly and naturally. In English one word is not separated from another by pausing or hesitating; the end of one word flows straight on to the
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本章要点 启动和退出Word ●Word窗口 ●文件的基本操作 ●文字的编辑 ●制作表格 ●处理图片
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6.1 Office家族简介 6.2认识word2000 6.3文档的基本编辑方法 6.4文档的排版 6.5表格制作 66图文混排 6.7页面排版和打印文档
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第13章在Word环境下 MATLAB使用 13.1 Notebook操作基础 13.2单元的使用 13.3输出格式控制
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表格是一种简明、概要的表意方式。其结构严谨,效果直观,往往一张表格可以代 替许多说明文字。因此,在编辑排版过程中就常常要处理到表格。 文档表格还可以当作数据库,对它们执行简单的数据库功能,例如,数据的添加、 检索、分类、排序等,这些功能给用户管理文档表格提供了很大的方便,简化了对表格 的处理工作。如果用户能够熟练地运用文档的数据库功能,可以提高对表格的处理能 力,从而提高工作效率。用户可以将文档中的数据以图表的形式直观地表达出来,这时 就可以通过使用插入Word2002中的 Graph200 22 Chart对象来实现
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Contents 5. Word-Formation I: the Major Processes 6. Word-Formation: the Minor Processes 7. Motivation
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Vocabulary structure Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences 1.The assignment for Thursday is to write composition about your hometown A)a five-hundred-words B)a five-hundred-word C)a five-hundreds-word D)a five-hundreds-words
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