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SPIRIT UPDATE: Spirit probes deeper into 'Clovis'outcrop-sol 209-218, August 23,2004 Spirit continued work over the past nine sols at a rock called \Clovis.\ The rover used roscop its rock abrasion tool, microscopic imager, alpha particle X-ray- spectrometer,and Mossbauer spectrometer to probe deeper into the history of this rock. Clovis is the most altered rock encountered by Spirit to date. It is part of a rock outcrop located on the\West Spur\ of the \Columbia
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根据激发源的不同,电子能谱又分为: 射线光电子能谱(简称xPS) (X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer) 紫外光电子能谱(简称UPS) (Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectrometer) 俄歇电子能谱(简称AES) (Auger Electron Spectrometer)
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X-Ray diffraction is an important and powerful tool for determining the solid state structure of compounds. Modern advances have made data collection and structure solution almost routine for many small molecules To use this technique, however, good quality single crystals are still needed. In this exercise you will experiment with the art of growing single crystals
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Primary Structure Sequencing Nucleic Acids核酸序列测定 Chain termination method (dideoxy method), developed by F. Sanger Base-specific chemical cleavage, developed by Maxam and Gilbert Both use autoradiography- X-ray film develops in response to presence of radioactive isotopes in nucleic acid molecules
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§17-1 The Coherence of Light 光的 相干性 §17-2 Two Beams Interference 双缝干涉 §17-3 Optic Path & Optic Path Difference 光程与光程差 §17-4 Interference by Division of Amplitude 薄膜干涉⎯⎯ 等厚条纹 §17-5 Michelson’ Interferometer 麦克耳孙干涉仪 Part One Interference of Light 第一部分 光的干涉 §17-7 Diffraction from Single Slit 单缝的夫琅和费衍射 §17-6 Diffraction of Light Huygens-Fresnel’s Principle 光的衍射现象 惠更斯⎯ 菲涅耳原 理 Part Two Diffraction of Light 第二部分 光的衍射 §17-8 Diffraction Grating 光栅衍射 §17-10 x-ray Diffraction 射线的衍射(自学) §17-9 Resolving Power of Optical Instrument 光学仪器的分辨本领(自学) §17-11 Nature Light & Polarized Light 自然光和偏振光 Polarization of Light Law of Malus 起偏和检偏 马吕斯定律 §17-12 Polarization by Reflection 反射和折射时光的偏振 §17-13 Double Reflection 光的双折射(自学) §17-14 Optic Strese Analysis(自学) Part Three Polarization of Light 第三部分 光的偏振
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• Introduction • Detectors • A brief history of X-ray astronomy • X-ray targets • Imaging technique • X-ray observatories • Future • Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB)
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• What is X-ray Diffraction Properties and generation of X-ray • Bragg’s Law • Basics of Crystallography • XRD Pattern • Powder Diffraction • Applications of XRD
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一、蛋白质构象(高级结构)的研究方法 到目前为止,研究蛋白质高级结构的方法仍然是 以射线衍射法(X--ray diffraction method)为主,X射 线衍射法的原理是:当X射线(=500nm)投射到蛋白 质晶体样品时,蛋白质分子内部结构受到激动,入 射线反射波互相叠加产生衍射波,衍射波含有被测 蛋白质构造的全部信息,通过摄影即可得一张衍射 图案(diffraction pattern),再用电脑进行重组,即可 绘出一张电子密度图(electro density map)。从电子密 度图可以得到样品的三维分子图象,即分子结构的 模型
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一、概述 generalization 二、X射线与X射线谱 X-ray and X-ray spectrum 三、X射线的吸收、散射和 衍射 absorption, diffuse and diffraction of X-ray
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第一节 X射线产生 第三节 X射线的基本性质 第四节 物质对X射线的衰减规律 第五节 X射线的应用(自学)
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