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Determine a star for each seed against the other seed events By appropriately modifying and selecting complexes from stars, construct a disjoint cover of E that optimizes the criterion LEF Is the termination Criterion satisfied?
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Determine a star for each seed against the other seed events By appropriately modifying and selecting complexes from stars, construct a disjoint cover of E that optimizes the criterion LEF Is the termination Criterion satisfied?
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Goal Concept: A concept definition describing the concept to be learned. (It is assumed that this concept definition fails to satisfy the Operationality Criterion.) Training Example: An example of the goal concept. Domain Theory: A set of rules and facts to be used in explaining how the training example is an example of the goal concept
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一. 示例学习的问题描述(见表2.1,表2.2) 二. 决策树学习(ID3算法) 1. 学习效果的衡量标准(示例学习的优化问题) 2. ID3算法:
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人工智能研究的成果 (一)国际象棋 (二)口语识别 (三)机器视觉 (四)专家系统
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一、 掌握本课程的性质核目的 二、 了解本课程的考核方法 三、 理解机器的组成 四、 传动的种类及特点
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一、掌握标准化和互换性的基本概念及有关的基本术语和定义; 二、基本掌握本课程中公差标准的主要内容、特点和应用原则; 三、 初步学会根据机器和零件的功能要求,选用公差与配合; 四、 能够查用本课程介绍的公差表格,正确标注图样; 五、 熟悉各种典型几何量的检测和初步学会使用常用的计量器具
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