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一、发现1906年 Bateson and annett 1研究香豌豆两对性状的 遗传时发现:
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一、有关名词概念 1 alleles 2 homozygote 3 heterozygote 4 true breeding
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Medical genetics Mitochondria are extremely small (from.002-008 millimeters in length) rice-shaped structures whose details can only be seen with the electron microscope
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Medical genetics Multifactorial inheritance is of individuals that will need speclar responsible for the greatest numbe care or hospitalization because of genetic diseases
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1 题解: 名词解释 P163 2 题解: 据题意 10/200=5% 3 题解: 据交换值愈大,两个基因在染色体上相距愈
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1. Genetic Counselors 2. Who Should See One 3. What to Expect During a Visit 4. After Counseling
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1. Indications for prenatal diagnosis 2. Methods for obtaining fetal tissues for prenatal diagnosis 3. Analytical methods 4. New methods for prenatal diagnosis
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